An analysis of factors affecting the potential development and innovation of Thailand industrial sector

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รังสรรค์ เลิศในสัตย์
อนุวัต เจริญสุข


          The study aims to investigate factors that affect Thailand industrial sectors’ potential development and innovation. The samples were automotive industrial sector, electrical and electronics industrial sector, textile and garment industrial sector, and food industrial sector. Systematic Random Sampling was used to select the samples. The samples included 370 companies. The research instrument was a 5-point rating scale questionnaire. The data were analyzed for their descriptive analysis and factor analysis with the statistic program. The results revealed that the factor analysis with the statistic program. The results revealed that the factor that affected the potential development and innovation of Thailand industrial sectors the most was the production process development. The second effective factor was the marketing.

          From the factor analysis, there were 7 factors that affected the potential development and innovation of Thailand industrial sectors. Those were; 1) production process development consisting of 11 indicators; 2) company’s supporting policy consisting of 11 indicators; 3) government’s supporting policy consisting of 8 indicators; 4) personnel development consisting of 11 indicators; 5) technology transfer consisting of 6 indicators; 6) material quality consisting of 5 indicators; and 7) need for product development consisting of 4 indicators; In addition, the results also revealed that operation that aimed to develop potential and innovation of Thailand industrial sectors needed to operate the whole system. The main focus should be on production process development which needed to have all supports from inside and outside. The inside referred to the company’s own policy while the outside referred to the government supporting policy. With this way, the industrial companies could be able to continuously develop their potential and innovation.

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