Work Life Balance, Work Values Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Personnel Working in Organizations Involved in Property Management

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สุกัญญา ผึ่งแผ่
ปิ่นกนก วงศ์ปิ่นเพ็ชร์


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the levels of organizational citizenship behavior, work life balance and work value, 2) to study the correlation between work life balance work values and organizational citizenship behavior and 3) to predict organizational citizenship behavior by work life balance and work values. The sample consisted of 430 employees of two property management offices. Data was collected by a questionnaire and was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's correlation analysis and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. The result revealed that the levels of organizational citizenship behavior, work life balance and work values were the high level. In addition, work life balance and work values had the positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior at the statistical significance level of .01. Finally, work values consisted of extrinsic work and intrinsic work could predict organizational citizenship behavior at statistical significance level of .01.

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