Attitudes and Behaviors of Residential Electricity Users Towards Information on Electricity Bills of The Metropolitan Electricity Authority

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นายกิตติศักดิ์ จุลศักดิ์


This article describes an Attitudes And Behaviors of Residential Electricity Users Towards Information On Electricity Bills of The Metropolitan Electricity Authority aims to investigate the differentiation of personal factor of attitude perceiving/learning and behavior of Residential Electricity Users Response to electricity bill payment of Metropolitan Electricity Authority. Relationship between attitude and attitude perceiving/learning of Electricity Users response to electricity bill payment and relationship between attitude and behavior of Electricity Users response to electricity bill payment. A questionnaire was sent to 400 Residential Electricity Users in distribution area of Metropolitan Electricity Authority. The result showed the Residential Electricity Users who have different age, marital status, education level and average monthly electricity bill payment differently effect to perceiving/learning of an electricity bill payment. The Electricity Users who have different age, marital status and education level differently effect to attitude of an electricity bill payment. The Electricity Users who have different education level differently effect to behavior that response to electricity bill payment. Relationship Analysis reveals the perceiving/learning of Electricity Users have related to attitude of an electricity bill payment. The perceiving/learning of Electricity Users have related to behavior that response to an electricity bill payment and attitude of Electricity Users have related to behavior that response to an electricity bill payment.

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Research Article


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