Raising Students’ Awareness Toward Environmental Issues: Will There be Any Impact on Their Purchasing Behaviors?

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Ricky -
Syanne Helly


This experimental research was conducted to test whether there was any change in students’ environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors following a brief text and video presentation on environmental issues. Thirty students of International Business Management program of a private university in Indonesia, who claimed to have little or no interest in environmental problems, were selected to be the subjects of this research. The results showed that there were indeed some significant changes in subjects’ environmental knowledge (t= -6.599, p=0.000 and t = -4.722, p= 0.000) and attitudes (t = -4.748, p=0.000) before and after following the presentation. However, the result also showed that subjects only interested in switching their choice of brands into the ones that claim to be more environmental-friendly (t = -3.003, p= 0.005) instead of paying higher prices to buy environmental-friendly products or changing their purchasing behaviors after following the presentation. In short, this research showed that even apathy people can be educated about environmental issues and be induced to change their choice of brands into the more environmental-friendly ones. This situation will definitely bring hope not just to the producers of environmentally-friendly products but also to all human beings.

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