Success Factors in Green Supply Chain Management: Literature Review

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พัลลภ พิมพ์อ่อน
ดำรงเกียรติ รัตนอมรพิน


This research is purposed to explorer the success factors in Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) from overseas research papers and academically papers in the past 12 years (year 2001 – 2012) for 40 papers chosen through the specific chosen criteria and analysis through the Content Analysis which considered to sequence the frequency of found contents. The results show that 24 success factors in GSCM were found which available to extract into 8 important dimensions as Green Procurement, Green Manufacturing, Green Distribution, Green Reverse Logistics, Information, Organization, Customer and Government. The most important among all factors was Green Reverse Logistics. Additional 4 success factors were found apart from factors which were generally found namely Information, Organization, Customer and Government. Even if the factors of Green Procurement and Green Manufacturing are important in the first state but the mentioned additional finding factors also need to be considered.

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