An Assessment of English Speaking Ability of Technical and Business Students: A Case of Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology

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Bundit Anuyahong


          The purposes of this research were 1) to assess English speaking ability of technical and business students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, 2) to compare the English speaking ability of the students before and after teaching speaking skill in the classroom, and 3) to study opinions of business and technical students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology.

          Research samples were 72 students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology in second semester of 2012 academic year through simple random sampling technique. The instruments used for gathering data were the English speaking skills assessment form and opened-end  questionnaire. The statistics employed for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and contents analysis.

          The research findings were as following; 1) effects of an assessment of English speaking ability of business and technical students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology were at high level, 2) the students’ English speaking achievement after teaching speaking skill was significantly higher than that before teaching speaking skill at 0.05 level, and 3) the students had additional suggestions as follows; Speech contest should be set every semester to improve listening skill, teachers should teach speaking skill both in class and outside class, communication in English should be arranged outside class, and Sightseeing in foreign countries should be managed every year to share cultures and cross cultures.

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