The Study of Factors Affecting The Relocation of Japanese Manufacturing Industry

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รังสรรค์ เลิศในสัตย์
อนุวัต เจริญสุข


          The objectives of this research are (1) to study the factors affecting the relocation of manufacturing base of Japanese production companies, (2) to study the level of relation of factors affecting the relocation of manufacturing base of Japanese production companies, and (3) to study the trend of the relocation of manufacturing base to other countries besides Thailand. The sample used in this study is the group of Japanese production companies in Bangkok, vicinity provinces and eastern province selected by purposive sampling method in accordance with the characteristic of study. The data collection method is one short case study method from 376 companies. The tool used in data collection is questionnaire with 5 levels evaluation and the tools used in data analysis are percentage, average, standard deviation and factor analysis.

          Result of the research shows that, in factor analysis, the factors which affecting the relocation of manufacturing base of Japanese production companies are 7 factors, and can be described the accumulated variance at 62.991 percent of the whole variance. In selection of factor, it is found that all factors consist all variables. Seven factors which are able to analysis clearly are named. Such seven factors are ranked respectively in accordance with the weight value of factors; those are the situation which benefit to investment, the problem and cause of manufacturing base the relocation, the readiness of manufacturing base the relocation, ASEAN corporation, the market situation, the wage rate in Thailand, the market situation and the supporting from Thai government.

          In the level of relation of factors, the factor affecting the relocation of manufacturing base of Japanese production companies is the financial investment readiness have highest average point. Concerning the third countries which production companies expect to the relocation, Vietnam and Indonesia are the most preferred countries.

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