The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Service Quality on Customer Loyalty Outcomes: The Private Banking Case in Myanmar THE PRIVATE BANKING CASE IN MYANMAR

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Aung Chan Aye
Phanasan Kohsuwan


         This study aims to investigate the impacts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and service quality on customer loyalty outcomes of private bank users in Myanmar. Specifically, this study emphasizes four CSR dimensions, five dimensions of service quality, and five customer loyalty outcomes. The quantitative research approach was used to investigate 459 valid responses collected via a questionnaire survey from the users of a private bank in Mandalay, Myanmar.  The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data. This study found that CSR to Social and Non-social Stakeholder positively influence on Identification and Exclusive Consideration dimensions of customer loyalty outcomes. In addition, this study also found that CSR to Customers positively influence on Exclusive Consideration, Advocacy, Strength of Preference, and Share of Wallet dimensions of customer loyalty outcomes. However, service quality dimensions did not find to have significant effect on any dimensions of customer loyalty outcomes. The findings could contribute to the service loyalty context in the aspect of stakeholder CSR and service quality, including loyalty outcomes. Moreover, the findings could be applied to the development of CSR and service quality strategies to make customers remain with the company and sustain customer loyalty.

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