Investigating the Roles of Social Influences in Consumers’ Responses to Online Social Network Ads: A Case of Thailand

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Thanakorn Charernsook
Dissatat Prasertsakul


A rapid growth of online social network (OSN) has caught the attention of many marketers in finding the new ways to harness it from their advertising. This research proposes a conceptual framework to examine the effects of social factors on group intentions towards OSN’s advertising. The model of this study is developed from synthesizing the models used in the previous relevant research studies. The major objective of this research is to examine the factors influencing group intention and the effects of advertising characteristics on consumers’ responses toward OSN’s advertising.  Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data from 400 respondents using multi-stage sampling undertaken at major public areas in Bangkok.  Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was employed to test hypotheses in the model through AMOS 23.0. Most hypotheses were statistically significant and supported. Group intention was found to be influenced by social identity and attitude, whilst perceived Ad relevance and perceived Ad value both significantly affect consumers’ responses to OSN’s advertising. This study provides insights into online social networking and advertising literature. In terms of practical implication, marketers should make sure that their advertising messages are relevant and valuable for their targeted audiences in order to instill a positive consumers’ responses from advertising

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