Consumer Purchase Intention for Subscription Video-on-Demand Service in Thailand

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Tuangporn Leowarin
Kandapa Thanasuta


     In the past several years, OTT platform has become increasingly popular among Thais and Subscription Video-on-Demand (SVOD) is one of the most popular business models. This research aims to study purchase intention towards subscription video-on-demand service in Thailand using perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, perceived enjoyment, and perceived fee as influencing factors for investigation. A total of 450 usable questionnaires were collected via messaging application (LINE) and on Social Media (Facebook). A multiple regression was employed to identify the relationships. Four of five hypotheses were statistically significant and supported. Perceived fee was found to have negative influences on SVOD purchase intention, while subjective norms, perceived enjoyment, and perceived ease of use possess positive association. Perceived usefulness was found to have insignificant relationship. This research provides guideline in conducting SVOD-related business. SVOD platforms could increase number of subscribers by releasing price promotions or partnering with other businesses to reduce the subscription fee. Marketing campaigns should focus on creating social buzz on both online and offline media in order to increase number of subscriptions.

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