The Influence of Organizational Sponsorship and Competency that Affects Production Efficiency: A Case Study of a Japanese Automotive Parts Manufacturing Company
Main Article Content
The purpose of this research was to investigate organizational sponsorship and competency in the production efficiency of production staff at a Japanese automotive parts manufacturing company. This quantitative research was conducted using a questionnaire as an instrument to collect data from production staff in the Japanese automotive parts manufacturing company, which is a Tier 1 manufacturer. 430 samples were selected using stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, data screening, confirmatory factors analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling (SEM) using path analysis.
The causal structural relationship model of organizational sponsorship and competency in the production efficiency showed a well-fitted Chi-Square = 213.517, df = 52, Chi-Square/df = 4.106, p = 0.00, CFI = 0.96, GFI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.08, RMR = 0.03. The research result showed that 1) Organization has a direct influence on production efficiency with a value of 0.28. 2) Competency has a direct influence on production efficiency, with a value of 0.65. 3) Organization has a direct influence on competency with a value of 0.28. Equal to 0.56 4) Organization has an indirect influence on production efficiency through competency as a mediating variable with a direct influence value of 0.28, an indirect influence value of 0.36, and a total influence value of 0.64.
Therefore, it can be concluded that an organization that wants to increase production efficiency must support the resources used in the work, including support from the supervisor and support in training and development. In addition, employees must have knowledge, skills, and characteristics that are in accordance with the organization's core values.
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