Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Intention to Continue Using Food Ordering Application After the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Chidchanok Inthong


From the current situation of consumers who use food ordering apps after the COVID-19 pandemic, it was found that consumer behavior has changed. This research studied the relationship between indicators related to satisfaction and intention to continue using food ordering apps in Thailand via the Grab Food platform. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a group of 660 males and females. The objective was to study the indicators affecting satisfaction and intention to continue using food ordering apps using structural equation modeling. The data analysis on the influences on satisfaction to use food ordering apps found that efficiency expectations, facilities, entertainment motivations, price value, and social influences affected satisfaction to use food ordering apps. It was also found that familiarity influenced consumer satisfaction. The data analysis on the influences on intention to continue using food ordering apps found that familiarity, satisfaction, and efficiency expectations affected users' behavior and intention to continue using food ordering apps in a statistically significant manner at 0.05.

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