Developing Propositions on Firm Capabilities, Business Network, Knowledge Management Practices and Dynamic Capabilities in the Thai Textile Industry

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Rachata Rungtrakulchai
Tanyaporn Kanignant


The Thai textile and garment industry faces challenges such as declining competitiveness, productivity limitations, and supply chain instability. This research investigates the factors influencing dynamic capabilities in this industry through a multiple-case study analysis of Thai textile and garment companies. The study reviews the relationships between firm capabilities, knowledge management practices, business network, and dynamic capabilities. By analyzing these companies' experiences, the research aims to establish an operational framework and research approach for exploring the relationship between firm capabilities, knowledge management practices, business networks, and dynamic capabilities. Five Propositions were hypothetically developed. Managers can make informed decisions about resource allocation, prioritize capability development initiatives, and strategically. The findings of the proposed research framework will provide insight for managers to make decisions about resource allocation, prioritize capability development initiatives, and strategically manage network partnerships to enhance their firm's dynamic capabilities.

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