Right and Freedom in Public Assembly as Based on the Public Assembly Act, B.E. 2558 (2015 A.D.)


  • Winit Pharcharuen Bachelor of Political Science Program in Political Science, School of Administrative Studies Maejo University
  • Suraphon Promgun


Right and Freedom, Public Assembly Act, B.E. 2558, Constitution


          Academic article on right and freedom in public assembly as based on the Public Assembly Act, B.E. 2558  compilation of information from a document related research textbooks and various online media found that public assembly is a fundamental right and liberty of the people, an expression of the will of the people towards political participation that leads to the claim of their rights and liberties in accordance with the Constitution and in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Democracy that exercise of people's rights and freedom in peaceful and unarmed rallies. However, the author is of the opinion that the rules and conditions and restrictions on the use of public assembly rights are still unclear in the law. For this reason, the author sees that should amend the provisions of the law -Public Assembly Act- order to create understanding for the protestors and the officers in charge of the assembly in detail, forms, rules and procedures for the community to prevent confusion regarding the rights, liberty and authority of the public administration.


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How to Cite

Pharcharuen, W., & Promgun, S. . (2020). Right and Freedom in Public Assembly as Based on the Public Assembly Act, B.E. 2558 (2015 A.D.). Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(1), 232–247. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/241667



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