The Practice Watta Pada 7 Principle to Development the Quality of Life


  • Phraanan Adinantho Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus


Seven Wattapada, Quality of Life


             This article has the objectives of 3 aspects are 1) To study of 7 Wattapada Principle in Theravada Buddhism 2) To study of development in the quality of life 3) To study the practice by 7 Wattapada principle to development the quality of life. It is beneficial to those who desire to reach the state of Indra and will be happy at the moment and in the future. The perfect improvement should follow both of 2 aspects that is should improve by the objectives and mental state with their attitude. When one practice the dhamma; it will affect the suitable conditions in the future because has accumulated the virtue and follows the correct principles. Any people who desire to be the Indra could follows 7 Wattapada aspects with the intention and create virtuous to achieve their perfection especially the attitude is a mental improvement and very important.  There is improve their spirit until reach the right conduct and rules their concentration mind. It should be persisting in, stable, clear, indubitable and far from all impurities to achieve the mental can be applied in everyday life. 


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How to Cite

Adinantho, P. (2020). The Practice Watta Pada 7 Principle to Development the Quality of Life. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 147–161. Retrieved from



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