An Analysis of Brotherhood in Buddhism


  • Chanchai Denjakawal Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus


Brotherhood, Buddhism


          This academic paper has two objectives following; 1. to study the brotherhood in Theravada Buddhism, 2. to analytical study of the brotherhood in Theravada Buddhism. The study result found that; Buddhism is the religion that has doctrine for good conduct, moral, and have the benefit to oneselves and others. The doctrines in Tipitaka called Dahmma which are theoritical principles, have the practices which are Buddhism norm. This norm demonstrated importance of brotherhood supporting as the doctrine in Theravada Buddhism. The brotherhood encourage freindiness because being friendly will never do bad deed to the others. The good deed is Dahmma of brotherhood that encourage helping each other. Healping each other has serveral form in accordance with mentioned Dhamma which are indirected good deed and doing clear mind is Dhamma of brotherhood encourage sympathy for each other. This dhamma will make the people being unselfish, not attach to one's self, their mind will be calm and clear and have a good heart.


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How to Cite

Denjakawal, C. (2020). An Analysis of Brotherhood in Buddhism. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 221–233. Retrieved from



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