The Ethical Paradigm of Thai Public Administration


  • Sathaporn Wichairam Buriram Rajabhat University


Ethical Paradigm, Public Administration


          The purpose of this article “The Ethical paradigm for Thai Public Administration” is to review literature theories and the concepts that explain the ethical framework used in public administration. There are divided into 2 periods: Ethics used in public administration before the year 1932, which has adopted ethics from the teachings of Buddhism, tradition and royal command as a tool for controlling behavior in public administration. The ethics that were used in public administration after the year 1932 onwards still apply of Buddhist principles, traditions, and administrative principles, similar to the time before 1932 onwards which Thailand has changed the rule to democracy. Ethics in public administration will appears in the form of royal speech, Act, Ethics and Code of Ethics which has an important foundation from the Buddhist doctrine which is a religion that most Thai people have respected for a long time from the Sukhothai period to the present.


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How to Cite

Wichairam, S. . (2020). The Ethical Paradigm of Thai Public Administration. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 193–208. Retrieved from



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