Shooting and Factors Affecting on Soccer Shooting Development of Grade 10 Students at Sports School Thailand National Sports of University, Ministry of Tourism and Sports


  • Phuthiphong Naka Sisaket Sports School


Shooting, Factors Affecting on Soccer Shooting Development


            The objectives of this study were 1) to investigate circumstances in shooting of soccer players 2) to study relation between shooting and factors affecting on shooting of the soccer players, 3) to look into factors affecting on shooting of the soccer players, and 4) to develop shooting patterns of the soccer players.

             The population and sample were 185 soccer coaches, sports teachers, and grade 10 student soccer players at Sports School for the first semester of the academic year 2018 under the National Sports of University, Ministry of Tourism and Sports.  The research instruments comprised three parts: 1) the questionnaire on the status of the respondents, a checklist consisting of age, gender, educational background, current position, working duration, and teaching experience; 2) the questionnaire on grade 10 students’ soccer shooting at Sports School, and 3) the questionnaire on factors affecting on the students’ soccer shooting development.

              The research result finds that:

              1. According to circumstances in shooting of the soccer players, it was found that the opinion of the sample towards soccer shooting and factors affecting on soccer shooting development of the grade 10 students was at the highest level. The findings indicated that a mean and a standard deviation were 7.27 and 0.72 respectively. In terms of soccer shooting, a mean and a standard deviation were 7.30 and 0.73 respectively. Regarding factors affecting on soccer shooting development, a mean and a standard deviation were 7.28 and 0.75 respectively.

              2. In terms of the relation between shooting and factors affecting on shooting of the soccer players based on Pearson Correlation Coefficient, it was found that the variables and the factors were in the same direction with statistical significance at the 0.01 level. There was a correlation of the variables between soccer shooting and factors affecting on soccer shooting development at r.809. In addition, it was found that the opinion of the sample towards the grade 10 students’ soccer shooting was at the highest level. A mean and a standard deviation were 7.28 and 0.75 respectively. The results, classified by each aspect, showed that using an inside shot was at the highest level.  A mean and a standard deviation were 7.32 and 0.84 respectively. On the other hand, the lowest level went to using a chip shot with a mean of 7.32 and a standard deviation of 0.91.

             3. Regarding an analysis of factors affecting on shooting of the soccer players, the findings indicated that the internal elements for soccer shooting could be divided into seven aspects: inside shot, back of the foot, outside shot, toe shot, long shot, chip shot, and header. There was a correlation of all seven elements from 0.884 to 0.914 with a statistic significance at the 0.01 level.

              4. According to development of shooting patterns, the result srevealed that the opinion of the sample towards factors affecting on the soccer players’ shooting development was at the highest level. A mean and a standard deviation were 7.23 and 0.80 respectively.


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How to Cite

Naka, P. (2021). Shooting and Factors Affecting on Soccer Shooting Development of Grade 10 Students at Sports School Thailand National Sports of University, Ministry of Tourism and Sports. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 6(2), 76–87. Retrieved from



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