The Model for the Development of the Buddhist Integrative Holistic Elderly’s Health in Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province


  • Phrapariyattikijwithan Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakonratchasima Campus
  • Phamaha Suporn Rakkhitadhammo Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus
  • Siraphop Suandong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus


The Development of Well-Being, The Elderly, Holistic, Buddhist Integration


               This research article aims to 1) to study the development of holistic well-being of the elderly in Thai society at present, 2) to study the states of well-being problems of the elderly in Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province and 3) to propose a model for the development of Buddhist integrative holistic well-being for the elderly in Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province. The research area was conducted to interview a group with a total of 40 persons (including monks) for data collection. Then the data was came to analyze and synthesize information In order to obtain knowledge of research according to the objectives.

               The research result finds that:

               The developing a holistic well-being of the elderly in Thai society today, it found that the numbers of population increased to 15.28% of the total population in each and every sequence because now people live longer. The promotion of health care for the elderly focuses on taking care of food and exercise, providing medical treatment when person have sick and fever, the elderly have the opportunity to meet with close relatives, to respect the elderly and the state should provide medical services, promote family and social relationships.

              The problem states of holistic health problems for the elderly in Muang District Chaiyaphum Province, they found that (1) the physical health problems are arising from the deterioration of the body of the body that change with age, (2) the mental health problem of the elderly based on a result of being alone, depression and anxiety, (3), the underlying disease problems of the elderly, it is caused by behavior, personal habits and congenital disease and (4) the problematic state of emotional state is caused by changes in mood, thoughts, and anxiety of the elderly.

              The model for the development of the Buddhist integrative holistic elderly’s well-being in Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province has 4 forms as follows : (1) the model for development of physical well-being namely, there are the treatment of the five precepts purely and the implementation of serious, the purification of the eight precepts and there is a concentration of the body honestly, (2) the model for development of mental well-being namely, there is giving alms to a clean mind and good mental health, there is praying, mental development to become happiness and there is a meditation practice concentrate, (3) the model for development of social well-being namely, it is the participation of Buddhist activities, a having faith in the practice of Dhamma, a meeting a good friend will lead to prosperity and (4) the model for developing cognitive well-being namely, there is the training according to the Threefold-Training principle, the quality of a good life and the understanding the reality of life It is impermanent, suffering and non-self.


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How to Cite

Phrapariyattikijwithan, Rakkhitadhammo, P. S. ., & Suandong, S. . (2021). The Model for the Development of the Buddhist Integrative Holistic Elderly’s Health in Muang District, Chaiyaphum Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 6(2), 1–15. Retrieved from



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