Development of Competency in Science Projects with Scaffolding Learning Processes for Grade Six Students by Applying Design-based Research


  • Suthatta Thamphattharakun Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot university
  • Onuma Charoensuk Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot university
  • Ittipaat Suwathanpornkul Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot university


Scaffolding Learning Processes, Design-based Research


              The purpose of this research are as follows: (1) to design the scaffolding learning processes with design-based research; and (2) to study the effects of the scaffolding learning processes with design-based research, which compared competency in science projects in terms of the knowledge and the attitudes of Grade Six students before and after learning with scaffolding learning processes and comparing competency in science projects in the category of skills with 70% criterion. The sample groups were 19 students in Grade Six grade. The research instruments used to collect the data were as follows: (1) lesson plans; (2) knowledge test; (3) assessment of science project skills and presentation; and (4) a questionnaire on attitude. The data analysis used mean, standard deviation, a paired sample t-test, one sample t-test and DBR data analysis.            

                The research result finds that:          

                The quality of scaffolding learning processes by the experts were at a high-quality level with an average of 3.64-3.77 and 0.15-0.71 of standard deviation, and when the learning processes used with the experimental group, it led to situations leading to change in learning management activities. However, the steps in the learning process included the original six steps. Competency in science projects in terms of knowledge after treatment was significantly higher than before treatment at a level of .0.5 (t=18.000, p=0.000). When comparing the competency of students in science projects in terms of attitude after treatment was significantly higher than before the treatment at a level of .05 (t=13.448, p=0.000.) and when comparing the competency of students in science projects in terms of skill was significantly higher than the criteria of 70% with a statistical significance of .05 (t =7.480, p=0.000).


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How to Cite

Thamphattharakun, S. ., Charoensuk, O. ., & Suwathanpornkul, I. . (2021). Development of Competency in Science Projects with Scaffolding Learning Processes for Grade Six Students by Applying Design-based Research. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 6(2), 198–212. Retrieved from



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