An Analytical Study of the Beauty in Prasat Muangtam according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


  • Phrakhruvithuradhammapirom Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Wician Chabutrbuntrik Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Banpot Khathaisong Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Beauty, Prasat Mueangtam, Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


               This research has three objectives: 1) to study the history of Prasart Mueangtam, 2) to study the beauty in Theravada Buddhist philosophy, 3) to study and analyze the beauty of Prasart Mueangtam according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy. Researcher have study the Tipitaka, the scriptures of Theravada Buddhism, academic documents and related research. The datam were analyzed by a descriptive method.

               The results of the research found that:

The construction of Prasart Muangtam is regarded as a castle in the ancient Khmer civilization with beautiful design and elaborate etiquette in accordance with the art form of that period. Special attention was given to the construction, there was a structured plan.

               The beauty in Theravada Buddhist philosophy is that deep within the mind, which is pure without additives. It could be a moral quality or things that persuade the feeling of appreciation of the Beauty prevails all around us, both the human being and the natural. The beauty has both external beauty and inner beauty. The outside beauty is beautiful appearance, which will depend on the values of that society that will evaluate the external beauty. The inner beauty or the beautiful mind is a noble beauty, It is a universal beauty, does not depend on the manipulation of the society.

               The beauty of Prasart Muangtam according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy is that it is the beauty of the mind or the beauty of the spiritual nature, which is the beauty that is born from the state of mind based on the dharma state. The appearance shows imitation of nature seen as a condition of sensitivity, gentleness. The beauty that appears in the Prasart Mueangtam can be seen from the relationship of appearance. It arises from the relationship between philosophical concepts, religion and the perfection of craftsmanship, which resulting in a harmony of these elements, the harmony between the philosophical, religious and philosophical concepts are unity. It is causing beauty that is extremely valuable.


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How to Cite

Phrakhruvithuradhammapirom, Chabutrbuntrik, W. ., & Khathaisong , B. . (2021). An Analytical Study of the Beauty in Prasat Muangtam according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 6(2), 228–241. retrieved from



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