Management of Blended Learning Activity on Thinking -Based Learning Via Online Learning in to Be Number One Club TowardsLife Skills Awareness and Self-Esteem and other for Mattayomsuksa 1 Students


  • Yuttana Kammasit Naresuan University
  • Wiwat Meesuwan Naresuan University


Blended Teaching, Thinking-Based Learning, Online Teaching, TO BE- NUMBER ONE, Awareness Life Skills


            The purpose of this research was to measure life skills in terms of self-awarenessand self-esteem among Mattayomsuksa 1 students.The example group was 35 students in  TO BE NUMBER ONE club from Mueang Chaliang School Si Satchanalai ,Sukhothai by a specific sample (purposive sampling). The tools used in the research consisted of a blended learning activity lesson planning between the learning-based thinking and online teaching. and the life skills measurement for self-awareness and self –esteem to other. The statistics used for data analyzing were as: mean, standard deviation Conformity Index Value, Difficulty index or Easiness discrimination, Reliability and and t-test (t-test Dependent).

             The result was found that:

             students had life skills in self-awareness and self-esteem more higher than before studying by the using of blended learning activities and thinking based learning together with online teaching. The statistically significant was at the  .05 .


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How to Cite

Kammasit, Y. ., & Meesuwan, W. . (2022). Management of Blended Learning Activity on Thinking -Based Learning Via Online Learning in to Be Number One Club TowardsLife Skills Awareness and Self-Esteem and other for Mattayomsuksa 1 Students. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 7(1), 73–86. Retrieved from



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