Lifestyle and Economic Changes Society and Culture of Women with Foreign Husbands in Surin


  • Ittiwat Sirsombat Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Surindra Rajabhat University


Economic Changes Society and Culture, Women with Foreign Husbands


             This research article aims to study lifestyle and economic changes Society and culture of women with foreign husbands in Surin by using a qualitative research method from the target group of key informants In the area of Mueang Surin District, 50 people were selected by a specific sample group. research tools use observation method Interview and group discussion present research results by descriptive method.

             The results showed that:

             Marriage as a foreigner began with economic problems and unsuccessful family life. Therefore decided to choose 6 groups of new life paths, strong heart group, go die with a sword group, Merit Group, The inferiority complex is the dominant knot group, the dream chaser group, destiny sky destiny group. Choose to live with a foreign husband at the woman's house. Economic change has a house, a farm, a monthly income from a husband, and stability in life. Social and Cultural Most foreign husbands are elderly people who travel to and from 1-2 times a year without marriage certificates. Both adapted to being recognized and admired by the community. join the tradition Local rituals and beliefs.


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How to Cite

Sirsombat, I. . (2022). Lifestyle and Economic Changes Society and Culture of Women with Foreign Husbands in Surin. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 7(1), 187–201. Retrieved from



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