The Study of Computational Thinking and Science and Technology (Computing Science) Learning Achievement on Using Logical Thinking to Solve the Problems of Students in Grade 6 By Using Engineering Design Process: A Multivariate Analysis of Covariance
Computational Thinking, Kuruthaniyadhamma, Philosophy of Sufficiency EconomyAbstract
The purpose of this research is to compare the computational thinking and computing science learning achievement on using logical thinking to solve the problems of students in grade 6 between before and after learning by using engineering design process when controlling scientific problem-solving ability. The sample in this study consisted of 22 students in Grade 6 at Wat Amphawan School during the second semester of the 2021 academic year. The research instruments include the following; 1) lesson plans based on engineering design process, 2) computational thinking test (p = 0.600 – 0.773,
r = 0.570 – 0.884, and Reliability = 0.960), 3) computing science learning achievement tests (p = 0.440 – 0.720, r = 0.209 – 0.714, and Reliability = 0.840), 4) scientific problem-solving ability test (p = 0.587 – 0.747, r = 0.551 – 0.947 and Reliability = 0.967). The statistics used in this study were 1) descriptive statistics, which used mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis and 2) hypothesis test with Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA).
The results of the research showed that:
The mean scores of computational thinking and computing science learning achievement when controlling scientific problem-solving ability of posttest were higher than those of pretest at the statistically significant .05 level (F = 15.213, df = 2, p = .000), the mean scores of pretest of computational thinking and computing science learning achievement were 15.955 (S.D. = 0.594) and 7.182 (S.D. = 0.472) while the mean scores of posttest of computational thinking and computing science learning achievement were 34.000 (S.D. = 0.499) and 15.864 (S.D. = 0.316) respectively.
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