An Application of the Sārānīyadhamma Principle in the Public Welfare Work of the Sangha Pendang District, Kedah State, Malaysia


  • PhrakruJirapunyopat (Pradit Wangpanya) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus
  • Sitthichok Panasree Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus
  • PhrakruKositwattananukul Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus
  • Sawat Anothai Saint John's University


Sārānīyadhamma Principle, Public Welfare, The Sangha in Peng Dang District


          The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the concept of public welfare of the Sangha in Peng Dang District, Kedah State, Malaysia, 2) to study the Sārānīyadhamma Principle (Dharma is a memorial to each other) appearing in the Buddhist scriptures, and 3) to apply the Sārānīyadhamma Principle in the public service work of the Sangha in Pen Dang District, Kedah State, Malaysia. It is qualitative research, focuses on document studies and in-depth interviews.
          The research results found that:
          1. The concept of public welfare of the Sangha in Peng Dang District, Kedah State, Malaysia. The public works is a work to help people and society who face various problems. It is the help of various objects and also with the right knowledge for a good life. It helps society to be self-reliant and change life for the better.
          2. The Sārānīyadhamma Principle appeared in the Buddhist scriptures. It is a doctrine that makes us know each other's generosity, making others understand more for coexistence in unity, there are 6 things:1) Mettākayakamma (doing good to each other) 2) Mettāvacīkamma (saying nice things to each other) 3) Mettāmanokamma (thinking of good things for each other) 4) Sādhāranabhogī (share what is rightly earned) 5) Silasāmanyatā (Having equal virtue with fellow virgins both before and behind the scenes) 6) Dithisāmanyatā (have the same opinion).
          3. An Application of the Sārānīyadhamma principle in the public welfare work of the Sangha of Pen Dang District, Kedah State, Malaysia. The Sārānīyadhamma principle help to remember each other and connect people with kindness by applying the Sārānīyadhamma principle in public welfare work in 5 issues, namely, mental development, community development, educational promotion, concerning the preservation of cultural traditions and helping to the victims, in order to make the operation more efficient.


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How to Cite

(Pradit Wangpanya), P., Panasree, S., PhrakruKositwattananukul, & Anothai , . S. . (2023). An Application of the Sārānīyadhamma Principle in the Public Welfare Work of the Sangha Pendang District, Kedah State, Malaysia. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(1), 228–236. Retrieved from



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