A Study of the Results of using the STAD Techniques in Women's Clothing Design Course with Instructional Model Davies’ Practical Skill Exercises


  • Sirikarn Sukumanant Curriculum and Instruction, Saint John’s University, Thailand


Practical Skill, The Women’s Clothing Design Course, Davies’ Instructional Model, The STAD Techniques


          The purposes of this research were: 1) set and determine the effectiveness of the Instructional Model Davies’ Practical Skill exercises for women’s clothing design course that has a determined value of 75/75 and 2) to compare the academic achievement before and after learning using the STAD techniques with practical skill exercises based on Davies’ Instructional Model. The sample group consisted of 15 students from the short-term curriculums of the women’s clothing design course of the Bangkok Vocational Training School (Din Daeng 2) in the second academic semester of 2022 by cluster sampling method. The research instruments were learning management plan, women’s clothing design course with the STAD techniques, an Instructional Model of Davies’ practical skill exercises, an achievement test of a women’s clothing design course, and a practical skill test based on Davies’ Instructional Model.
          The research results found that:
          1. The effectiveness of the practical skill exercises based on Davies’ Instructional model for women’s clothing design course has an efficiency of 77.13/76.48 according to the criteria of 75/75. In addition.
         2. The post-learning achievement of the students who received the women’s clothing design course with the STAD techniques assembled the practical skill exercises based on Davies’ Instructional Model was statistically significantly higher than their pre-learning achievement at a .05 level.


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How to Cite

Sukumanant, S. (2023). A Study of the Results of using the STAD Techniques in Women’s Clothing Design Course with Instructional Model Davies’ Practical Skill Exercises. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(1), 308–318. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/261927



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