An Analytical Study of the Practice Bhikhu Aparihaniyadhamma of Buddhist Monks in Buddhist Scriptures


  • Phra Rung Tissawaro (Nimkhunthod) Chaiyaphum Buddhist college, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Practice, Parihaniyadhamma, Buddhism


          The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the practice of Bhikkhu Aparihaniyadhamma of Buddhist monks in Buddhist scriptures and 2) to analyze the application of Bhikkhu Aparihaniyadhamma principles in Thai society. This research is a qualitative research by studying from the Tripitaka other Buddhist scriptures, academic documents on Buddhism and other academic documents on the Bhikkhu Aparihaniyadhamma and related research by descriptive analysis method. 
          The research result found that:
          1. The practice of Bhikkhu Aparihaniyadhamma of Buddhist monks in Buddhist scriptures is the Dhamma for prosperity only. It supports the cooperation in thinking and doing of Buddhist monks. Even for the meeting the monks have to start and finish the meeting altogether because they have to take joint responsibility for Buddhist affaires, giving right opinions and controlling the meeting to run according to the agenda. They must not regulate the rules that the Buddha did not. The principles of Buddhist practice are the Buddha’s teachings without additions and amendment because they were regulated through insight knowing and seeing about present, past and future according to the Buddha’s practices.
          2. An analysis of the application of Bhikkhu Aparihaniyadhamma principles in Thai society as for obedience to the right matters according to the discipline, there are respect, humbleness and respect to senior monks, if some junior monks do not agree to the matters in the meeting, the senior monks can reasonably explain and give discussion. Precepts or moralities are used to inspect and control body and speech. There should be awareness of instigation from sense-organs and sense-objects. Meditation and wisdom are used to prevent the overpower by desires. Living in forestry dwelling causes quiet, fleshy air and strong health. In case of much noise, do not mind, ignore it and have mindfulness and wisdom to consider it clearly so that there will be physical and mental happiness in living the monkhood. All monks and novices are welcome to join and live peacefully and happily. All the monks and the novices, who were ordained righteously, have equal moralities and practice the same principles, are selfless, generous, not jealous of dwelling, not envious and have charities, live together happily.


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How to Cite

Tissawaro (Nimkhunthod), P. R. . (2023). An Analytical Study of the Practice Bhikhu Aparihaniyadhamma of Buddhist Monks in Buddhist Scriptures. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(2), 222–235. Retrieved from



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