An Analysis of Beliefs in Karma of Thai People in Modern Times according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy


  • Phraparamet Kittikuno (Khamhongsa) Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus
  • Phrakhru Silasarathikun Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus
  • Sanguan Laphonthan Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus


          The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the problematic belief in Karma of Thai people in modern times, 2) to study Karma in Theravada Buddhist philosophy and 3) to analyze the belief in Karma of Thai people in modern times according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy. It is a documentary research by studying from Tripitaka etc. The results of research were then presented using a descriptive analysis method.
          The research results found that:
          1. Thai people in modern times have believed in Karma that has various implications that is different from the doctrine of Karma in Buddhism, for example, some groups of Thai people in modern times have the idea and belief that there is no sin, merit, goodness, badness or there is no merit etc. There is also the fact that Karma that has been done has no effect on the next life by believing that what has been done, both good and evil, will end after it has been done.
          2. The principle of Karma in Buddhism teaches that Karma is an individual action, even if it's charity, it's good Karma and unwholesomeness is evil whether the karma is good or bad. The one who does Karma will get the result of that Karma, when there is a belief in Karma regardless of whether the karma that is done will lead to good or bad karma, there will always be consequences. If person do good deeds, he will be born in heaven, but if doing bad deeds, he also will be born in hell.
          3. To analyze the beliefs about the karma of Thai people today lets us know that Thai people nowadays will have a clearer understanding of the principles of good and evil or good and bad things that are consistent with the principles of Karma in Buddhism. There is a belief about the effects of individual actions that have been done, both good-evil, and good things-bad things that will definitely reflect back on the action. No one can completely escape the consequences of each person's actions.


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How to Cite

Kittikuno (Khamhongsa), P. ., Phrakhru Silasarathikun, & Laphonthan, S. . (2023). An Analysis of Beliefs in Karma of Thai People in Modern Times according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(2), 343–356. Retrieved from



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