An Analitical Study of the Vinayasamgahatthakatha


  • Sathien Thangthongmadan Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus


An Analiticak Study, Vinayasamgahatthakatha


              The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the history and essence of the Vinyasamkhahatthakatha 2) to study of presentation of contents in the Vinayasamkhatthakatha and 3) to study the significant and the value of Vinyasamkhahatthakatha to Vinayapitaka. This thesis is a documentary research.
              The research result found that:
              From the study, It is found that Vinyasamkhahatthakatha is the work of Phra Sariputra Thera of Lanka. It is composed by the invitation of the Lord Prakkamabahu I, It is composed around the year 1600 as a commentary on the Vinaya Pitaka. It is a brief commentary. It is a brief description of the scriptures by to picks up important points from the Vinaya Pitaka and commentary and some from the Suttanta Pitaka to explain by this line until the end of all 34 stories he set, by explaining according to Pali and commentary.             The presentation of contents in the Vinayasamkhatthakatha consists of the important characteristics are 1) presenting the content by using the main words of the story as a chapter and then explaining the judgments 2) explaining specific terminology in the discipline 3) citing other scriptures as support 4) setting the rules as question and explain, and 5) referring to the Vinayapitaka to lead to explanation. This presenting content  is because the form of this scripture. That is, this is a brief commentary on the Vinayapitaka. It does not explain the story in order of chapter or speech order.
             The presentation of the content gives importance to various interesting issues and has referenced evidence from the Tipitaka, the Vinayapitaka, and the commentary on the Vinayapitaka. From this content, it is presented that it can be said that it is unique to this type of succinct commentary scripture that can be found generally.
              The value and importance of the Vinayasankhatthakatha to the Vinaya Piṭaka consisted of 1) the aspect of explanation according to the Vinaya Pitaka and Commentary 2) the value and importance of the study and research of the Vinaya 3) the value and importance in maintaining the discipline and acting correctly and 4) the value and importance of the way of life of monks.


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How to Cite

Thangthongmadan, S. (2023). An Analitical Study of the Vinayasamgahatthakatha. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(3), 131–140. Retrieved from



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