Cultural Tourism to Promote the Chak Phra Tradition and Thod Pha-Pa Festival Surat Thani Province


  • Yothin Massuk Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus
  • Phramaha Pratin Kemmajaree Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus
  • Phramaha Adisak Cheed-im Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus
  • Aphipong Khamhongsa Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus
  • Tippamas Sawetvorachot Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus
  • Saengsuri Thongkhao Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus


Cultural Tourism, Traditions, Chak Phra, Thod Pha-Pa


             Cultural attractions It is a place to study history, culture, ancient sites and antiques. Cultural tourism combined with traditional wisdom, community way of life, environmental conditions as well as the way of life of the people or in other words Travel to study and learn about the surroundings and to relate to the things that exist in the world in a linkage and interdependence occur inseparably. Cultural tourism is therefore a tourism related to history as well, such as religion, traditions, rituals, handicrafts, food, art, language, including architecture, sculpture, way of life and including leisure activities. Tourism Management of Chak Phra and Thod Pha-Pa Festival of Surat Thani Province It is another tradition that has a history related to Buddhism. It is a tradition that has been going on since the past. there is evidence Clearly during the Srivijaya Empire which is the center of prosperity of the Srivijaya Empire spreading prosperity to other areas The tradition of Chak Phra and Thod Pha-Pa in many areas, including Chaiya District, Tha Chang District, Phun Phin District, Kanchanadit District Koh Samui District Koh Phangan District Wiang Sa District, Mueang District, and other districts Although there is no Chak Phra Festival held in the district But all of them participated in the Chak Phra festival, namely sending a boat to participate in the Chak Phra festival organized by the Muang District. which is now considered an important tradition and the greatest of Surat Thani Province.


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How to Cite

Massuk, Y., Kemmajaree, P. P., Cheed-im, P. A., Khamhongsa, A. ., Sawetvorachot, T., & Thongkhao , S. (2023). Cultural Tourism to Promote the Chak Phra Tradition and Thod Pha-Pa Festival Surat Thani Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 8(3), 415–429. Retrieved from



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