Guidelines for Creating Happiness Using Buddhist Principles of the Salakdai Sub-district Community Mueang Surin District, Surin Province


  • Phrakhru Phattarathamnithat Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Phocana Suvaco Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Phramaha Thanorm Arnando Buriram Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Creating Happiness, Guidelines for Creating Happiness, Buddhist Principle, Salakdai Sub-district Community


             The purpose of this research were: 1) study the problems of the Salak Dai Subdistrict community. Mueang Surin District Surin Province 2) study Buddhism regarding creating social happiness in living together and 3) propose guidelines for creating happiness using Buddhist principles of the Salak Dai Subdistrict community. Mueang Surin District Surin Province. This research is qualitative field research. By studying and analyzing information from the Tripitaka, commentary, documents, and related academic works. Then present the information in the form of descriptive and analytical writing.

The research results found that:

  1. Problems of the community in Salak Dai Subdistrict Mueang Surin District Surin Province found that communities lacked trust in each other. They don't support each other. and lack of unity In particular, some leaders and members lack responsibility for their duties. Not attending the meeting according to the agenda So there are disagreements. causing most members to lack credibility. Sometimes listening to only one side of the news Or they don't understand each other.  until leading to conflict and the community lacks mutual support have selfish thoughts exploit compete with each other. In addition, the community also has problems in making a living. Had to struggle hard to find work. It causes a lack of unity.
  2. The principles of Buddhism related to creating happiness include 1) the 5 precepts, 2) the 4 saṅgaha vatthu, and 3) the 6 Saraniyadhamma.

3. Guidelines for creating happiness using Buddhist principles of the Salakdai Subdistrict community Mueang Surin District Surin Province consists of                                   1) 5 precepts. It was found that keeping all 5 precepts is complete. can make the community peaceful don't quarrel. Don't create chaos. Because there is no violation of the rights of others. Everyone in the community should view the                                                 5 precepts as basic morality that everyone can practice. And it is the duty of everyone in the community to work together to do so. 2) Principles of Sangha Vatthu 4 found to be good principles of society. Because the community can be built into a society of mutual support. Be generous to each other. Ready to have good wishes for each other It is a Dhamma principle supporting the creation of community unity and 3) Saraniyadhamma Principle 6 found to be a Dhamma principle appropriate to society. Because it can be put into practice appropriately can promote communities to build trust with each other. There is support. understand each other accept each other's differences. There is unity and dependence on each other. and help each other these principles should be promoted and applied appropriately. For the welfare and goodness of the community.


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How to Cite

Phrakhru Phattarathamnithat, Suvaco, P. P. ., & Arnando, P. T. . (2024). Guidelines for Creating Happiness Using Buddhist Principles of the Salakdai Sub-district Community Mueang Surin District, Surin Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(1), 134–148. Retrieved from



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