Sustainable Water Management Guidelines Underground Water Bank Case Study Lan Ba Subdistrict Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province


  • Buddhasuda Nudla Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phetchabun Rajabhat University
  • Suthanes Yomseeda Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phetchabun Rajabhat University
  • Apinya Bumrunggit Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phetchabun Rajabhat University
  • Tuenjai Phangkham Faculty of Education, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


Guidelines, Sustainable Water Management, Underground Water Banks


             The purpose of this research were: 1) To study water management using the underground water bank model in Lan Ba Subdistrict, Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province. Obstacles in the implementation of groundwater bank management In the Lan Ba subdistrict area 3) To study ways to manage water in a balanced and sustainable manner using the groundwater bank model. To solve the drought problem and solve the flood problem. Lan Ba Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province This research is a qualitative research.
             The research results found that:
             1. Water management using the underground water bank model in the area of Lan Ba Subdistrict, Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province. Using the method of filling groundwater with closed ponds, totaling 45 ponds along the Pa Sak River. This is a closed water filling pond that can only be used for filling. and how to make a closed underground water bank in the community to solve road flooding.
             2. Problems and obstacles in the operation of groundwater management in the form of an underground water bank, there are 4 issues: 1) People lack knowledge and understanding about the operation of storing water in the form of an underground water bank. 2) Difficulty in moving large machines big.  3) Problems with the amount of groundwater decreasing 4) Budget constraints
            3. There are 3 approaches to managing water in a balanced and sustainable manner using the underground water bank model: 1) making a closed pond system in a residence, 2) making a closed pond system with drainage in the community, 3) making a closed pond system in Area along the Pa Sak River.


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How to Cite

Nudla, B. ., Yomseeda, S. ., Bumrunggit, A. ., & Phangkham, T. (2024). Sustainable Water Management Guidelines Underground Water Bank Case Study Lan Ba Subdistrict Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(1), 1–14. Retrieved from



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