Strategies for Driving Si Thep park to World Heritage Sites, Case Studies Si Thep Subdistrict Si Thep District Phetchabun Province


  • Buddhasuda Nudla Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Phetchabun Rajabhat University


Strategy, Movement, Si Thep National Park, World Heritage Site


             This research has the objectives to 1) study the guidelines for driving Sri Thep Park to become a world heritage site, 2) study the problems and impacts on the community in registering the ancient city of Si Thep as a world heritage site, and 3) determine strategies for driving Sri Thep Park to become a world heritage site. world heritage which is qualitative research (qualitative research)
             The research results found that:
             1. The guideline for driving Sri Thep Park to become a World Heritage Site must be to clearly demarcate the boundaries of the park area in order to improve and amend the Phetchabun city plan. and prepare clear information for submission to the World Heritage List.
             2. The problem of the boundaries of the ancient city of Si Thep overlapping with the community has resulted in opposition from the community.
             3. There are 5 strategies for driving Sri Thep Park to become a World Heritage Site.
                 1) People with confirmed rights documents still have the right to use the area.
                 2) Relevant government agencies must have a mutual understanding with the public.
                 3) Proceed with the preparation of a new city plan for Phetchabun Province.
                 4) The Fine Arts Department should clearly explain to the public the boundaries of the park.
                 5) Promote and support the community to be aware of the importance of the ancient city of Si Thep.
             The strategy for promoting Sri Thep to be a world cultural heritage site will be valuable if the people are aware and give importance to it and help maintain it so that future generations can study and learn about the roots of their ancestors in the past and maintain the value of its beauty. A history that is difficult for any country in the world to have.


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How to Cite

Nudla, B. . (2024). Strategies for Driving Si Thep park to World Heritage Sites, Case Studies Si Thep Subdistrict Si Thep District Phetchabun Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(1), 79–90. Retrieved from



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