The Crisis Management of School Administrators in Opportunity expansion Schools Under the Primary Educational Service Area Nongbualumphu Office 2


  • Sarawut Donrasri Faculty of education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Kanisorn Jeekratok Faculty of education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University
  • Nawattakorn Homsin Faculty of education, Udon Thani Rajabhat University


Management, Crisis, School Administrators Expand Educational Opportunities


             The purpose of this research were to study management guidelines in crisis situations.of school administrators expanding educational opportunities It is qualitative research. The sample group consisted of 7 people, including 2 deputy directors of the district office, 2 educational supervisors, and 3 school directors. The instrument used was a semi-structured interview. (Semi-structured Interview) takes information from the interview to synthesize content points based on the opinions of the informants. This gives guidelines for management in crisis situations. of school administrators to expand educational opportunities in all 4 areas as follows.
             The research results found that:
             1. Academic administration: Educational institutions must provide knowledge about crisis situations. By importing it into the school curriculum Integration in teaching and learning Insert knowledge about survival in various crises and must prepare for the use of technology in teaching and learning under crisis conditions.
             2. Budget management is that educational institutions must allocate budgets to support activities related to dealing with crisis situations. Ensure the safety of school buildings or facilities. There is a rehearsal for emergency response plans. Explore and identify external funding sources to increase your chances of receiving additional funding for crisis resolution projects.
             3. Personnel management is that educational institutions must promote and support Train teachers and educational personnel to have knowledge about crisis situations. To prepare to deal with Teachers and students must be careful. Do not be careless about various events. Administrators and teachers must be people who are ready to learn and ready for change. Executives must be people with a broad vision. Being alert all the time.
             4. General administration is that the educational institution must have an incident response plan and practice plans and be prepared in terms of buildings and facilities. facilities Security, guard duty arrangements, and a crisis management committee have been appointed to support crisis situations. Plan operations by considering needs and appropriateness to the crisis situation. Executives should follow up on performance evaluations to measure success and improve to correct shortcomings. in general management in crisis situations with maximum efficiency.


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How to Cite

Donrasri, S., Jeekratok, K. ., & Homsin, N. . (2024). The Crisis Management of School Administrators in Opportunity expansion Schools Under the Primary Educational Service Area Nongbualumphu Office 2. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(1), 317–328. Retrieved from



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