Using Inquiry-based Learning Management Combined with Game Boards to Develop Science Process Skills, Specifically Regarding Ecosystems, for Sixth-Grade Elementary School Students
Science Process Skills, Inquiry-Based Learning Management Game BoardsAbstract
The purpose of this research were to develop science process skills using an inquiry-based learning management format combined with a game board to enhance knowledge about the environment for sixth-grade elementary students. The target group consists of sixth-grade students from a government school in Chachoengsao province. The sample group for the research includes 20 students from Grade 6, who were selected using purposive random sampling during the second semester of the academic year 2566. The research took 8 hours using purposive sampling and utilized the following research tools: 1) Inquiry-based learning management plans combined with a game board focusing on environmental topics, totaling 3 plans and 8 hours. 2) A skills assessment test on science process skills related to the environment, consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions. 3) An evaluation of science process skills using Rubrics, assessing 4 skills: observation skills, skills in finding relationships between space and time, skills in interpreting data, and skills in interpreting and summarizing data. The statistical analysis used in data analysis includes the mean () and standard deviation (S.D.).
The research results found that:
This research were to develop science process skills using an inquiry-based learning management format combined with a game board to enhance knowledge about the environment for sixth-grade elementary students, it was found that students had overall good science process ( = 2.38, S.D. = 0.43).
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