The Development of English Reading and Writing Comprehension Ability by Using the CIRC Technique in Conjunction with Graphic Organizer of Prathomsuksa 4 Students
Reading Proficiency, English Composition, Graphic Diagrams, Collaborative Learning CIRCAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to enhance reading and writing proficiency. Employing cooperative learning strategies and collaborative Information Retrieval (CIRC) approaches in conjunction with visual graphic diagrams. Grade 4 students' reading ability in English writing was evaluated based on the criteria of 80/80 (E1/E2). 2) compare the reading capacity of Grade 4 students who received cooperative learning utilizing the CIRC technique and graphic organizers. Before schooling and after studying, the study focused on a specific demographic: fourth-grade pupils attending Ban Yang Khin Nok School, comprises 11 students selected via purposive sampling. The utilized tools comprise 1) seven learning management plans and 2) measuring tests. The reading skill required for this English writing task is at a Grade 4 level. There are five sets of questions, with six questions in each set, has a difficulty value (p) between 0.30-0.53, has a discriminatory power value (B) between 0.47-0.70, and has a reliability value for the entire document equal to 0.92. 3) Academic achievement test, multiple choice, four options, 30 questions. Utilizing computer programs to analyze data, has a difficulty value (p) between 0.33-0.57, has a discriminatory power value (B) between 0.43-0.67, and has a reliability value for the entire document equal to 0.89. The statistical measures commonly employed in data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
The research results found that:
1. Basic learning plan for reading and writing English vocabulary for Grade 3 students with mind maps and language games has an efficiency of 88.94/85.63, which meets the specified criteria. hold
2. The ability to read and write English vocabulary of 3rd year primary school students after studying is higher than before studying. Statistically significant at the .01 level.
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