Technological Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators at Thung Tako Witthaya School Under the Surat Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Chumphon


  • Sukanda Inphaet Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Thada Siththada Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Technological Leadership, Educational Institution Administrators, Thung Tako Witthaya School


             The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of technological leadership of educational institution administrators at Thungtagowittaya School. Under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Surat Thani, Chumphon, and 2) to presenting guidelines for developing technological leadership of educational institution administrators at Thung Tako Witthaya School. Under the Surat Thani Chumphon Secondary Educational Service Area Office for the academic year 2023, the sample group includes 1) 4 educational institution administrators, 2) 55 teachers, and 3) 7 educational personnel, totaling 66 people. Number of informants. Importantly, the number of 5 people was obtained through purposive selection. The research instrument was a questionnaire. and interview form Statistics used in quantitative data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For qualitative data, content analysis was used.
             The research results found that:
             1. Technological leadership level of educational institution administrators at ThungTako Witthaya School Under the jurisdiction of the Surat Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Chumphon, with an overview of technological leadership of educational institution administrators. at a high level When considering each aspect, it was found that there was 1 aspect with the highest level and 4 with the highest level.
             2. Guidelines for developing technological leadership of educational institution administrators at Thung Tako Witthaya School Under the jurisdiction of the Surat Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Chumphon, there are 5 aspects arranged from highest to lowest as follows: 1) Vision in using technology is at the highest level 2) learning management at a high level                                      3) Organizational management is at a high level 4) Ethics in using technology is at a high level 5) measurement and evaluation at a high level It was found that the technological leadership of the administrators of Thung Tako Witthaya School It is at the highest level in 1 aspect and the other 4 aspects are at the high level. In order to develop and improve according to each area that has recommended guidelines, causing the school to develop according to all 5 areas, resulting in development in a better direction.


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How to Cite

Inphaet, S. ., & Siththada, T. . (2024). Technological Leadership of Educational Institution Administrators at Thung Tako Witthaya School Under the Surat Thani Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Chumphon. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 104–115. Retrieved from



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