Liability and punishment under criminal law


  • Natthaphongthat Kuratthamma Lecturer in the Bachelor of Political Science program, Buriram Buddhist College Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Liability, Punishment, Criminal Law


             There are elements for a person to be held liable and punished under criminal law, that is, a person must have an intention to commit an act. unintentional in one action and acted negligently However, a person will be punished only if there is a law stating that the above action is an offense. Any action that is not provided by law is an offense. The person who commits the act is not liable and is not punished in the same way. This is despite the fact that there is a law that states that such an act is an offense. A person will be liable and punished according to criminal law only if he or she has acted intentionally according to Section 59. As for unintentional acts, and acted negligently It is necessary to see details of the elements of each offense to see how much responsibility the law provides.


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How to Cite

Kuratthamma, N. . (2024). Liability and punishment under criminal law. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 413–423. Retrieved from



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