An Analytical Study of Buddhadhamma Principles to Strengthen Literacy Skills in Social Media of Thai Teenagers


  • Phra Athikan Suphan Visuddho (Robthaisong) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus
  • Phamaha Suporn Rakkhitadhammo Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus
  • Benjamas Suwannawong Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus


Buddhist Principles, Strengthening Social Media Literacy, Thai teenagers


             The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the state of literacy skills in social media of Thai teenagers, 2) to study Buddhadhamma principles strengthening the literacy skills in social media of Thai teenagers, and 3) to analyze the Buddhadhamma principles to strengthen the literacy skills in social media of Thai teenagers. It is qualitative research. which focuses on document research by studying information from the Tripitaka Buddhist books, textbooks, articles, documents and related research Data were analyzed and presented in the form of descriptive analysis according to the research objectives.
             The research results found that:
             1. In the state of literacy skills in social media of Thai teenagers, the necessary skills in social media are: 1) social media receiving, 2) social media analysis, 3) social media understanding, 4) social media evaluation, and 5) using social media for benefit, i.e. the teenagers still lack of skills in realizing their emotion, classification, interpretation, understanding, and evaluation of what is presented in the social media as well as using the social media creatively for oneself and society.
             2. The Buddhadhamma principles strengthening the literacy skills in social media of Thai teenagers are Appamadadhamma principles that help strengthen mindfulness in bodily action, knowing mental objects, and knowing the concept in social media. The principles of Sense-Restraint help support perception in using social media for advantage, and the principles of Yonisomanasikara help support thinking in knowing advantage and disadvantage of social media and in handling matters in social media.
             3. Analysis of the Buddhadhamma principles to strengthen the literacy skills in social media of Thai teenagers indicates that the principles of Appamadadhamma help strengthen Thai teenagers in adjusting their attitude in receiving, watching, listening and thinking towards the social media. The principles of Sense-Restraint help strengthen mindfulness and control emotion and thinking of the Thai teenagers while receiving the social media. The principles of Yonisomanasikara help strengthen thinking methods suitable to kinds of social media and knowledge in using social media for the advantage of oneself and society all around.


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How to Cite

(Robthaisong), P. A. S. V., Rakkhitadhammo, P. S. ., & Suwannawong, B. . (2024). An Analytical Study of Buddhadhamma Principles to Strengthen Literacy Skills in Social Media of Thai Teenagers. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 92–103. Retrieved from



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