Improving the Communication Skills of School Administrators in the Digital Era of Suraohuamaknoi School under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


  • Natwara Wongsrikaew Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Thada Siththada Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Communication Skills, School Administrators, Digital Era


             The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of communication skills of school administrators in the digital era of Hua Mak Noi Mosque School. Under the Bang Kapi District Office Bangkok. and 2) Presenting guidelines for developing the communication skills of school administrators in the digital era of Hua Mak Noi Mosque School. The sample group used in the research included 32 administrators, teachers, and personnel. The research instrument was a questionnaire. and interview form Statistics used in quantitative data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For qualitative data, content analysis was used.
             The research results found that:
             1. The Communication skills of school administrators in the digital age of Surawong Hua Mak Noi School Overall, communication skills of school administrators in the digital age are at a high level.
             2. The communication skills of school administrators in the digital age It is at a high level and has the following guidelines: In communication, educational institution administrators should reliable in terms of their own personalities or the information that is communicated, and they should consider the appropriateness of the use of language. Verbs and gestures accompany communication to suit the context of the situation according to the environment. In communication, it should be precise in the content to be communicated, with information that is true and not false. When you want to communicate, you should choose a communication channel that is consistent with the context of the recipient. Educational service providers should consider the ability of the recipient to communicate so that the message sent to the recipient can understand the content well. And educational institution administrators should have communications that have the origins of the content referenced to make the communication content clear and reliable for the recipient to understand, respectively.


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How to Cite

Wongsrikaew , N., & Siththada, T. . (2024). Improving the Communication Skills of School Administrators in the Digital Era of Suraohuamaknoi School under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 139–151. Retrieved from



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