A Buddhist Hermeneutics of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu for the Wisdom Well-being Development


  • Phrakhru Paladkhamron Katapunyo (Kaew Kliang) Doctor of Buddhist Studies Department of Buddhism Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Nakhon Si Thammarat Campus


Buddhist Hermeneutics, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Development, Wisdom Well-being


             This academic article aims to find out what is the Buddhist commentary of Bhikkhu Buddha for the development of intellectual well-being. Bhikkhu Buddha aims to teach non-clinging, withdrawing one's own existence. He pointed out the process of developing human intellectual well-being related to the communication apparatus and the cognitive process of life through the key mechanisms of the mind. If the tool is allowed to work according to the power of instinct, it will result in harm to life. If we have judgment with mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom, as a tool for us to experience everything knowingly, we will be able to do so. Seeing the moral conditions of that thing and treating fellow human beings with morality, which will make society coexist peacefully. Therefore, he used the method of interpreting Buddhist doctrines (Buddha's Commentary) to make the religious realize the true truth that each religion needs. By studying through the theory of human language, the language of the Dharma, so that all parties can understand the heart of religion correctly.


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How to Cite

(Kaew Kliang) , P. P. K. . (2024). A Buddhist Hermeneutics of Buddhadasa Bhikkhu for the Wisdom Well-being Development. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 375–387. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ambj/article/view/274346



Academic Articles