Implementation of the Public Health Long-term Care Policy for Dependent Elderly People in the Community in Health District 6


  • Siwachat Sirasitnaruewat Department of Public Administration, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Kampanart Wongwatthanaphong Department of Public Administration, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Policy Implementation, Long-term Care System, Dependent Elderly


             Long-term care for the elderly in the community is an issue that must be given priority. This is because there is an increase of 30.5% in the number of dependent elderly people in the study of Health District 6, with a total of 16,357 dependent elderly people. A survey of the public health long-term care system for dependent elderly people. lean It was found that the long-term care system in Health District 6 has the advantage of providing quick services. And there is comprehensive data collection on the elderly. But there is still a need to improve the service system that responds to the needs of the elderly who are dependent in terms of providing assistance in health care and dependency in daily life. Creating policies and action plans that respond to these needs Therefore, it is important to develop a long-term care system for the elderly in the community in the future. From the academic article studied, the objective of this policy is to develop a care system for the elderly who are dependent in the community. is to protect human dignity and rights Access to health services on demand Good quality of life and happiness in the later stages of life the adequacy of the long-term care health system to meet future needs. Target group of elderly people who are dependent in the community in Health District 6. This study focuses on proposing guidelines for improving the care system for the elderly in the community to promote the health and well-being of the elderly who are dependent in the community. Health District 6, methods of operation may include the establishment of a multidisciplinary team. Training of caregivers and development of future referral systems by improving the structure of the long-term care system for the elderly in the community Empowering the participation of the elderly and their families in decision making. Increase understanding and connectivity between existing services to create improvement guidelines that respond to the needs of caregivers and the needs of dependent elderly people in Health District 6. Performance is a measure of the success of the policy, such as the number of elderly people receiving care. look after Better quality of life problems and obstacles Challenges in policy implementation with suggestions Guidelines for developing and improving policies in the future.


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How to Cite

Sirasitnaruewat, S. ., & Wongwatthanaphong, K. . (2024). Implementation of the Public Health Long-term Care Policy for Dependent Elderly People in the Community in Health District 6. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(2), 402–412. Retrieved from



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