The Guidelines for Ethical Standard School Management Under Surin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
Guidelines, School Management, Ethical Standard SchoolAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the current state of school management according to the ethical standard school under Surin primary educational service area office 3. 2) explore the approaches to school management according to the ethical standard school under Surin primary educational service area office 3; and 3) offer the approaches to school management according to the ethical standard school under Surin primary educational service area office 3. The sample size was determined using Taro Yamane's formula, in each school, one administrator and one teacher under Surin primary educational service area office 3 were selected, totaling 294 participants. Data collection was conducted using a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.81. Statistical methods for data analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The research result found that:
1. The current state of school management according to the ethical standard school in the Surin primary educational service area office 3 is overall at the highest level, When considered by individual aspects, all areas are at the highest level. The average ratings from highest to lowest are: outcomes and success image, academic administration, budget administration, general administration, and personnel administration.
2. The guidelines for ethical standard school management under the Surin primary educational service area office 3, there are 5 standards with a total of 27 guidelines for ethical standard school management.
3. Offer the guidelines for ethical standard school management under the Surin primary educational service area office 3 indicates that the correctness, appropriateness, and feasibility are all at the highest level in every aspect. The findings revealed that the suitability ( = 4.84, S.D. = 0.30), feasibility (
= 4.76, S.D. = 0.35), and usefulness (
= 4.81, S.D. = 0.29) of the early childhood education management approaches were all rated at the highest level in every aspect.
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