Developing a Model for the Performance of Duties of Chaiyaphum Provincial Administrators
Model Development, Performing Duties, Phra VinayathikarnAbstract
The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the performance of duties of the provincial disciplinary monks of Chaiyaphum; 2) develop a performance model of the provincial disciplinary monks of Chaiyaphum; and 3) present a performance model of the provincial disciplinary monks of Chaiyaphum. This research was qualitative and collected data from documents and related research, in-depth interviews with 5 key informants, and focus group discussions with 20 relevant persons. Data were analyzed using content analysis and presented descriptively according to the research objectives.
The research results found that:
1. The process of the performance of duties of the Vinaya monks in the administration of the Sangha of Chaiyaphum Province has an understanding of the roles and duties at the beginning, but there are still some parts that are not thoroughly understood. Improvements need to be made regarding the inspection, explanation, advice, and monitoring of monks and novices to behave properly according to the Dhamma and Vinaya, laws, the Sangha Supreme Council regulations, and regulations, and to be neutral in performing duties.
2. Develop a model for the performance of duties of the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province, which consists of 4 components: 1) Planning and promoting the process of performing duties of the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province. 2) Participation between the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province and the community, government, and private sectors. All parties should participate in Buddhism. 3) Organize a training project for the Vinaya monks of Chaiyaphum Province by inviting expert lecturers to provide knowledge. 4) There should be an evaluation and a summary report of the results of operations.
3. Present the form of the duties of the Chaiyaphum Provincial Disciplinary Commissioner, namely, planning, rules and regulations for duties clearly. The Disciplinary Commissioner should join networks with the community, government and private sectors, participate, and be aware of solving problems that arise in order to help maintain and protect Buddhism. Organize a training project for the Chaiyaphum Provincial Disciplinary Commissioner continuously to increase skills, techniques and efficiency in performing duties in accordance with regulations.
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