The Reservation of Original Community Way of Life in Ban Ta Hin based on Nod Na Le Model, Sathing Phra District, Songkhla Province


  • Phramahamanop Papassaro (Khunkaew) Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkarat Campus
  • Kantaphon Nuthongkaew Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkarat Campus
  • Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkarat Campus


Conservation, Way of Life, Model Community


             The purpose of this research were: 1) to analyze general problems regarding the conservation of the way of life of the Ban Ta Hin. 2) to analyze the concept about preserving the way of life of the model community. 3) to create knowledge about preserving the way of life of the model community of Ban Ta Hin, based on Nod Na Le model and 4) to present knowledge about preserving the way of life of the model community life of the model community of Ban Ta Hin. This a qualitative research by collecting document data. In-depth interviews with 10 persons and a group discussion stage. From 13 persons. Research tools include interviews and data analysis using descriptive methods.
             The research results found that:
             1. The general condition of the Ban Ta Hin community is that the area is suitable for growing rice for food and income since the past. Sugar palm trees have been planted to create cash crops. The coastline on both sides has created local fisheries that rely on local wisdom to catch fish.
             2. Concepts and theories on the conservation of community-based models include concepts on conservation, integration, wisdom, and community participation.
             3. Integrating knowledge creation about the conservation of the way of life of the Ban Ta Hin prototype community based on the concept of Node Na Le model, together with: 1) Concepts about integration, wisdom, and community participation. 2) Public participation: giving people an opportunity to participate, think together, and exchange perspectives. 3) Conservation requires integration between the government, people and business in taking care of, preserving, inheriting, preserving, improving, and developing. 4) Principles of Dharma: the Ten Royal Virtues, the Good Man's Virtue, the Strongest Virtue, the Brahmaviharas Virtue, the Sanghavatthu, and the Six Directions.
             4. The knowledge gained from the research is the WISDOM Model, which includes W (Wisdom), I (Integration), S (Saving), D (Dhamma), O (Originality), and M (Mores).


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How to Cite

Phramahamanop Papassaro (Khunkaew), Nuthongkaew, K. ., & Chamnanphuttiphon, S. . (2024). The Reservation of Original Community Way of Life in Ban Ta Hin based on Nod Na Le Model, Sathing Phra District, Songkhla Province. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 140–152. retrieved from



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