Know Zen Through Science
The book "Know Zen through Science" is authored by Dr. WorapatPhucharoen, aims to elucidate the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, particularly theZen sect, by juxtaposing them with scientific principles. The author traverses from classical scientific understanding, such as Newton's foundational Science, to the contemporary insights of Quantum Physics.
Dr. Worapat draws extensively from Zen wisdom, integrating it with
modern scientific knowledge. He elucidates Dhamma practices through a
contemporary lens, making them accessible to readers. Additionally, the book
advocates for a simplistic lifestyle and practical applications of Zen principles in daily
life, fostering a path towards cultivating an empty mind, or Nibbana.
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Hoover, Thomas. (1978). Zen Culture. London: Routledge & Kegan Pual.
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