Construction of Lesson Plans Using SQ4R Strategy with Six Thinking Hats to Improve Learning Achievement and English Reading Comprehension of First Year Vocational Diploma Students


  • Amanee Yumyuang Faculty of Education, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Juraisiri Choorak Faculty of Education, Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Salila Pettong Faculty of Education, Songkhla Rajabhat University


Lesson Plan, SQ4R Strategy with Six Thinking Hats, English Reading Comprehension


             The purpose of this research were to construct lesson plans to develop learning achievements and English reading comprehension of first year vocational diploma students using SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats. The target group consists of 3 experts. The research instruments were 1) 3 lesson plans using SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats, for 12 hours of teaching and learning, and 2) an assessment form for the appropriateness of the learning management plan. The statistics used for data analysis were arithmetic mean (equation) and standard deviation (S.D.).
             The research results found that:
             1. The SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats consisted of the following steps: step 1: introduction; step 2: presentation of new content for reading; step 3: instruction using the SQ4R strategy with six thinking hats, which included 6 steps: 1) survey, 2) question with six thinking hats, 3) read, 4) record, 5) recite, 6) reflect; step 4: conclusion and evaluation.
             2. The quality check of the lesson plans revealed that the overall appropriateness of the lesson plans was at the highest level with the arithmetic mean of 4.87.


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How to Cite

Yumyuang, A., Choorak, J. ., & Pettong , S. . (2024). Construction of Lesson Plans Using SQ4R Strategy with Six Thinking Hats to Improve Learning Achievement and English Reading Comprehension of First Year Vocational Diploma Students. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 9(3), 269–279. retrieved from



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