Practice Meditation for 7 Days and You Will Definetely Get Results
This review is a review of the book. “Practice meditation for 7 days and you will definitely get results”. It is a book that collects the sermons of Luang Por Charan Thitadhammo, compiled by the Dhamma Sabha. It has been collected in the book series "Meditation" which has a total of 12 volumes. It is a book that is very worth reading for those interested in meditation. Because in addition to receiving academic knowledge I have also seen the concrete form which is also a benefit of practicing meditation Luang Phor Charan has preached sermons on different occasions, most of which were sermons to the people who came to practice dharma at the Amphawan Temple Dhamma practice center. Singburi Province. The content of the book is mostly a combination of concrete examples of Dhamma practice and the benefits of Dhamma practice that can be seen today and the guidelines for Dhamma practice that Luang Phor Charan taught through his own direct experiences. Therefore, those interested in practicing Dhamma can use it as a guideline for practicing meditation as well. And I truly believe that you will definitely be able to see the results of meditation. As the title of the book is “Practice meditation for 7 days and you will definitely get results”
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