Effects of CIRC Model to Develop Reading Comprehension Ability, Summary Writing and Learning Retention of Prathomsuksa 3 Students.


  • อรณิชา วิงวร -
  • สุกัลยา สุเฌอ
  • ราวรรณ จรัสรวีวัฒน์


CIRC model, reading comprehension ability, summary writing, learning retention


The purposes of this research were to 1) compare the reading comprehension ability before and after learning by CIRC model, 2) compare summary writing ability before and after learning by CIRC model, 3) study the learning retention of students who learned by CIRC model. The sample was a group of 22 students studying in Prathomsuksa 3, selected by cluster random sampling. The research instruments were CIRC model learning plan for Thai language subject, reading comprehension ability test and summary writing ability test. The one group repeated measure experimental design was employed. The data were analyzed by one-way repeated measure ANOVA, comparing means of reading comprehension ability, summary writing ability before and after learning using CIRC model and the learning retention scores.  The results of the study showed that: 1) the reading comprehension ability of the students after learning by CIRC model was significantly higher than before learning at the .05 level,  2) the summary writing ability of students after learning by CIRC model was significantly higher than before learning at the .05 level, and 3) the sample group after learning by CIRC model maintained learning retention by comparing means after learning and after learning 2 weeks revealing no statistically difference.



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