Factors Affecting the Purchasing Decision of Vitamin Water of Gen Y Consumers in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province


  • พิมพกานต์ กันปันสืบ PAYAP UNIVERSITY
  • พรรณนุช ชัยปินชนะ


decision making, vitamin water , Gen Y Consumers Chiang Mai province


This study aimed to 1) examine and compare opinions towards market factors including price, distribution channel, integrated marketing communications, brand value, and level of purchasing decision on vitamin water of Gen Y consumers in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province, 2) factors affecting purchasing decision on vitamin water of Gen Y, and  construct a forecasting equation of purchasing decision. The population were consumers who bought bottled vitamin water. aged between 22-41 years old, born in 1980-1999. The samples of 400 were obtained by the simple random sampling method.  Descriptive statistics, the inferential statistics, including Pearson Correlation and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were used to analyze data. The findings demonstrated that the independent variable (X) consisted of the means of market factor (X1), integrated marketing communications (X2), and brand value (X3) affected Gen Y Consumers' purchasing decision on bottled vitamin water of Gen Y in Muang District, Chiang Mai Province with (R2) = 0.513, meaning that it could forecast the purchasing decisions of Gen Y consumers for vitamin water in Muang district, Chiang Mai Province by 51.30%. It could be written as a forecast equation: Y = 0.253 + 0.263 X1 + 0.428 X2 + 0.145 X3.


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